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NBA Game Of The Day

2 minute read


A shiny web application that ranks daily NBA games for your viewing pleasure.

This application is primarily designed for those of us outside the USA, who have to watch NBA games on delay due to time zone differences. This app will show you, based on a formula, which game is going to me most worth your time investment. Particularly useful if you only have time to watch one game of the night, and you don’t want to waste it on the 40 point blowout

Shiny - ScholarPlot

2 minute read


ScholarPlot is an R Shiny tool for visualising and exporting your Google Scholar data. The intent of the tool was for easy export of a plot or table of your research application for things like CVs, promotion applications, or other workplace examples where you need to provide evidence of output. The source code for Scholarplot is available on my github page


NBA Game Of The Day

2 minute read


A shiny web application that ranks daily NBA games for your viewing pleasure.

This application is primarily designed for those of us outside the USA, who have to watch NBA games on delay due to time zone differences. This app will show you, based on a formula, which game is going to me most worth your time investment. Particularly useful if you only have time to watch one game of the night, and you don’t want to waste it on the 40 point blowout